Sunday, September 4, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, my little ecoudorian Bug, lost a leg. Later I found the leg in the sand and threw it away. This is not the first time I've had this happen to a hermit crab. I think Bug died because she had...1. No access to salt water. 2. The humidity levels were down by a lot and I hadn't been misting my crabs. 3. They had chlorinated water! I didn't know this until I read up on another website that chlorinated water is dangerous to the little crabbies. This obviously means be careful of chlorine. You can also get a water dechlorinater. Two little drops to tap water will destroy the chlorine. The water dechlorinater is for any pet, mostly fish tanks but can be used for any water that has chlorine. You can also try Spring Water but that will cost a lot. You can get a nice dechlorinater in a little bottle. Now it may not seem like much but this little bottle can make at least a few HUNDRED gallons!

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