Wednesday, May 11, 2011

E or P?

Ecuadorian or Purple Pincher? In this posting I will show you how to tell the different species apart!

Take your crab out and examine it. The name Purple Pincher indicates obviously that a crab that is a purple pincher has a big purple claw. You can also tell that your crab is a purple pincher by it's red legs. some crabs may have dark red, blood red, or rose red. It all depends on the crab.

Once more, take a crab out and examine it. Now, the name Ecuadorian may not automatically ring a bell. But these crabs get their name from where they live, not from what they look like. An Ecuadorian crab lives in Ecuador, just like what it's name sounds like. You can tell if a crab is an Ecuadorian by looking at it's legs. If the crab has white or gray marks with tints of a light red in them, your crab is an Ecuadorian.

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