Monday, November 29, 2010

My Crab is coming OUT of it's shell!

If your hermit crab [abbreivieated hc] may be sick if it's doing this. The best way to do this is to not panic. Stay calm. If your hc is walking around it's tank naked with no shell, gentalaly pick it up by it's amdemin or pick it up with a kitchen spoon. Simply carfully transport it into a container that it can't get out of and one that it can't see through. Put it in a safe, dry, dark place where there is no noise. Leave it there with it's shell with it in your container. Then, simply wait. Chances are your crab will go back into it's shell. Once it does, you may put it back into it's regular tank. Keep an eye on it to make sure it does not do this again.

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